February 11, 2006

Finding out and deleting unwanted images from a site images folder

Narrowing down unwanted images and then deleting them from a images folder of a large site with lots of images, is a painstaking job. With the powerful dreamweaver at our disposal, ths job, no more is a hefty business. This web authoring tool provides its best for a designer in all means. Using Dreamweaver, we can find out orphaned files(ie, files that are left unlinked and unused). I would like to give a smal account on how to accomplish this task. One of the basic acions to be performed before starting do design a site in dreamweaver is to define the site. This enables dreamweaver to setup links and relate the files within the site folder and perform operations as the one that we are going to discuss. Finding unused images in a site images folder Handling sites that involve a large amount of images can be a real headache, in terms of maintainence. Especially when there are a lot of changes in images and frequent inserion and deletion of images, the updation of the images folder can be a bit tricky. Manual removal of unused images can be a time consuming job. Dreamweaver offers a solution to this problem.
  • Once you have defined a site, we will have to run the link checker option for finding out the orphaned images.
  • Goto the results window(menu>>window>>results)

  • Select the link checker tab in the window that follows
  • Run the link check for the entire site once and then select "orphaned files" from the dropdown
  • The list of unused images will be displyed in the window. We can even save the report in a text format for reference.

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