March 29, 2007

Knowing CSS based Javascript dropdown more closer than before

Hi all, It took me so long to write this piece of blog. Busy with some personal issues and official work, this month is turning out to be a pretty hectic and troublesome for me. But there are also something to be happy about. The gud thing is that ive been learning some new things and they are really gonna be handy for me in the future. Of those i would be sharing a professional experience here now :) Pretty lately im involved in a project that demands me of some site development profile and that too in a language that i hated the most once upon a time in my beginning of career - oh yeah im talking about the scripting language JS :) Javascript is the talk of the town for me for the last couple of weeks... Now coming to the technical point, a CSS based javascript dropdown is the topic of the day. Have been researching on the various options and got zeroed into a dropdown suggested by a senior fellow designer. The script is from 'Suckerfish' and this was pretty much we were luking for. Now the implementation of this one is the challenge placed before me and right now im in the process of implementing it into the application interface of our project. This menu is basically based on a UL LI css list menu and the javascript makes use of the same to display it as a dropdown menu using the ID and by attaching relevant events to the page while loading. There is an important thing that needs to be kept in mind, while using such dropdowns in extensive projects with numerous menu items. Sicne these sort of menus make use of the cpu memory by attaching the events, using such menus in projects with lots of menu items may prove fatal some times. The more the menu items the more will be the cpu usage while loading. So, going with scripts that attaches very less no. of events are preferable. Suckerfish is such a menu component that can come handy for such situations. Will post more technical details once im done with this task of implementing this menu in my application interface.

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