June 22, 2006

Adieu Tables.....Enter the CSS

It seems that the era of tables will be meeting its end sooner or later. With the advent of CSS, the tabular way of layouting is no longer considered professional. The DIV tag is starting to dominate the web all over. But there is room for the tables, due to the robust and precise output that they give and that is the reason that they are surviving the war with CSS. But speaking technically, CSS layouts using div tags are preferred over tables, coz of their flexibility. You include all the formatting and layouting parameters in the css file and just place the data in tags in the html, and whenever you need a change in theme or even the whole layout, voila......it all can be done in seconds...thats the power of using CSS in designing layouts. Also, tables stand valid for laying out tabular data and that is wat table is meant for. So, no more spacer images......or table hacks...lets be a part of the transition from tables to CSS. HAIL CSS !! HAIL DIV !! But we remember you, sweet TABLES ;-) !

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