June 12, 2006

A link a day keeps the doctor away...

Pals, this is the new found proverb that tell about the importance of links in this world of information. Just how important this four letter word have become in our daily life! I would say that the primary skill that a netizen shud have in order to effectively use the information highway to his use, will have to be the ability to identify and manage useful links that may lead to a goldmine of information....virtually! Was just trying to find out about a topic out of curiosity, and just ended up with a blog that had almost all the needed links for me to understand the topic. Amazed by the power of the web, in the way it excels to provide us with the vital information, im wondering whats the ultimate capability of this highway..? I think its infinite...yes web comes with infinite possibilities. So, the next time you are short of an information, remember....the link is waiting for you to explore.use the web to its fullest and you may experience some really unexpected changes in your life....yes believe me, its true !!! Cheers......

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